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This job search guide provides practical advice and information on how to secure the job of your choice.
Ideally, your job search progress through two main phases: -
• Create an implementation plan and
• Manage your plan for success
The main steps in your plan should include the following: -
STEP 1. Focus on your preferred career / job search Objective (s)
Research: Take the time to carefully study the labor market in which you want to move: -
that is to say
• A list of major employers
• quantify the real opportunities available now
• ask questions about the future opportunity to likely trends
Consider this: Take time to review its key requirements, such as: -
• key skills
• Experience Level
• relevant qualifications
• Location
• salary requirements and benefits
• professional development opportunities
Comment: Take time to discuss the results of their research a professional trainer.
Decide: Make a decision about what type of career / job (s) will target. This may include more than one option, for example, you may decide to direct employment opportunities, both in facilities management and hospitality management.
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STEP 2. Produce an outstanding resume
marketing tool is no historical record: The main objective of the application is on the market to a prospective employer, focusing on their qualifications, achievements and suitability for the job you are targeting. Your resume should not be a summary of all that has been accomplished to date, so that it includes only information relevant to their object or actual job application. Your resume can be produced with an approach "DIY" or resume can increase your chances of being invited to an interview was made by a professional coach.
STEP 3. Decide best route to your destination job (s)
Evaluate the most suitable route or combination of routes to find specific job. Consider the following: -
Option 1: - Use your social and business networks
Note Success - Very high: Research UK shows around 80% of people now get their new job through networking through friends, social relationships and business contacts.
How to apply: an effective network begins with an initial list of close of business, family and social contacts and extends through a chain of names for people who want to use you.
Use a spreadsheet to list the names of each of them will be willing to offer at least two names of people it would be useful to contact.
Generate a list of 50 100 names can be useful but the "quality" of these names is essential so be careful to be selective about their choice. For example: -
Both the dentist and the owner of his favorite pub experience a wide range of people and everyone should be able to provide the names of two people who would be interested in helping.
Ask people to 'information' rather than asking who could give him a job makes them less defensive and more willing to help.
The key to these first contacts is to ask two useful names. None of them may be potential employers, but when communicating with these new names, and these can lead to people who can help in your job search, including potential employers. To call or email people who are potential employers to ensure: -
Explain your situation, that is. Developing your career
Confirm their intention to advance your career in X
Gather information that could be useful for someone with his experience and experience, ie future plans of work, the application process, contact names, etc. If you know of an opportunity or have a say themselves.
Option 2: - Business / direct approach Organizations
Note Success - Very high: If you want to work for company X or organization, then contact them directly, as it is normally preferred procurement method
How to implement: Large organizations often have a professional website where you can register your interest in a particular type of work. With this service you will be automatically contacted when a vacancy occurs.
Register their details on the sites of their choice at the beginning of your job search campaign.
For organizations without a professional website, then get the administrator's name responsible for the division would be interested in working, for example, Director of Logistics, director of flight operations, etc. Then call his secretary and recheck your name and title of work, email or postal address correctly.
Send a cover letter and CV to confirm the date calls you to follow him on the question.
Many HR departments focus on employment, while the head of the line is more likely to be aware of current and future labor needs.
Option 3: - Web Bots
Success rating - Medium: This is a very targeted approach. The results will help to understand and, where appropriate, refocus its target for the job you are seeking
How to apply: use of Web search engines to identify specific opportunities that meet their needs can be very beneficial. They can automatically send you daily or weekly details of the actual work that meet the conditions prescribed in its website to say
Position Type
Payment rates
Full details of each process and the implementation schedule luckier.
Remember that the demand for full employment and often the selection process can take three or four months to submit their applications well before your departure date.
Option 4 - Ads Jobs
Success rating - Medium: very targeted approach. The downside is that, although you'll be competing with all candidates, compared to networking, where you can be the only candidate.
How to: find out where the jobs are looking for guys that are advertised. Sometimes this is obvious, but if in doubt, then ask a human resources departments which usually advertised agencies and / or employment that use.
• Popular choices include websites websites jobs business in the UK, the national or local press, or professional journals / commercial. Many organizations use only one or two of these to make sure they are aware that they may otherwise miss.
• When submitting a job application remember that it is the letter that employers read first. Just look at your resume if they are hired by the content of your letter. Get professional help with your cover letter will give you a significant advantage over the other candidates.
Option 5: - Employment Agencies
Success Rate - Average low: The quality of employment agencies varies considerably. Try to choose those who specialize in the type of career / job you are seeking.
How to apply: use of employment agencies is expensive for employers to normally used as a backup or for appointments very specialized.
• The placement can be a useful way to the work of his choice, but it can be risky to be his only route. Through careful research to identify agencies that specialize in the type of job you are targeting.
• Try to develop a good relationship with a consultant of each agency and agree on how they can best help you, but be aware of the consultants are driven by customer needs, not the needs of the candidates.
STEP 4. Take full personal responsibility
Success Tip - Choose your buddy: Ask your partner or friend to act as your "friends seeking employment" Its role is to ask three questions once a week.
1.How plan is progressing?
2. Are there any issues that concern you?
3. What do you do to solve these problems?
How to implement: You must take full responsibility for your job search campaign with the use of your choice. Others may provide information, assistance and advice, but they should be conducted before any individual.
Be prepared to spend as much time as possible for your campaign and expect their time scales to go for several hours a day to several times a week.
• Suppose you will not achieve your goal quickly and there will be periods of excitement and frustration. Choosing a Job Search friends can be exceptionally useful. It is your job to be: -
• always there for you to talk to especially during periods of stress and perhaps discouragement
• support right until they reach their ultimate goal
STEP 5. Maintain complete records
Tips for Success - a specific folder: establish a spreadsheet with contact information. Set a file for each organization approaches. In each file to save a copy of your resume and cover letter in addition to the relevant notes. Keep track of all requests you've made with dates, names, and the results
How to apply: Your search campaign work must be sustained throughout with records and care for full details. Nothing less significantly reduce your chances of getting the job of your choice.
• Ideally, keep your recordings on a computer, but if not possible, use some files lever to keep records of each application and network of contacts. If these are not your forte, then maybe a friend or family member can help you with these issues.
STEP 6. Preparation Interview
Success Tips - Interview Preparation: efficient preparation of maintenance is to be selective in what the research and not be overwhelmed with useless information. Prepare your answers before the interview. "Mirror" the requirements of the job profile in their responses
How to register:
• preparation of the interview specializing exposed through:
Be selective in which of his achievements, he intends to focus on their responses by aligning these requirements specifying actual work
Understanding the interviewer assess your answers against the requirements of the specifications workloads. The stronger the alignment of the strongest chance of success
Understand that the best predictor of future performance is past performance. Therefore, the interviewer will focus on examples of past performance - so be sure to provide the best examples
• preparation of the interview without reservation presented by:
Failing to choose what information is relevant to the actual job interview and therefore what should be included in their replies
Try to include everything they have done so far in their responses
Not understanding that an interview is an evaluation process
Failing to understand what information to avoid, in their answers because it will haunt you
• How do you evaluate your interview skills? When you were last interview for a job? I can not have been interviewed for several years, with the exception of scheduled maintenance as part of their resettlement.
• be trained to a real job opportunity is very different from being formed. Coaching is an investment that you should consider doing because it will make all the difference to your success.
STEP 7. The job interview
Stop Success Tips - Job Interview
• Prepare your answers in advance and get feedback from a professional coach
• Look well, stand straight, feeling and deliver outstanding performance:
• Have your CV, interview notes, detailing the work by hand with a pen
• casual look but with a concentration of 100%
Listen and respond:
• Listen to each question, decide what the interviewer is to measure and respond with the appropriate response
Keep everything positive:
• Be careful with questions designed to reveal their weaknesses, he never revealed anything negative about your experience back ground or experience
• Never criticize the actions or policies of a past or a senior colleague, current
• Never talk to the interviewer or show signs of being crumpled during the discussion
STEP 8. Perseverance brings success
Unless you have a break at first, then take your job search campaign can last several months or more.
Stephen Isherwood, is the director of Invest in your career Ltd, a consulting company based in Buckinghamshire UK offering professional helps individuals start to success, including: -
Link to Coaching for a job interview
Link to Exceptional CV Writing