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9 Keys to Job Search & Career Success

9 Keys to Job Search & Career Success

Keys to Job Search

In recent months, the labor market has become increasingly competitive. But even when the economy slows, and there are an increasing number of job seekers in the labor market, there are many professionals who have been incredibly successful in achieving rapid, effective job search. These older jobseekers have taken new jobs that are personally, professionally and financially. What do they have in common? How do they do? Here are nine tips to speed your job search and bring to a successful conclusion quickly.

You know what you want and go after it. Starting a job search without knowing what you want is almost certain to end in frustration. Think about it: If you do not know what you want and what your goal is work, how will you know who to contact and how to search? If you are unsure of your career goals, it is important that you spend some time and energy now - before starting his research - in introspection and analysis. Knowing what you want, what you like and what you bring to the table will provide a confidence that simply can not and does not correspond to many of its competitors in the labor market. This is the crucial first step to any job search and is essential for professional success in the long term as well.

Meet and sell your personal brand. When you think about your next career move, how things would be different for you if employers and recruiters looking really? Personal brand (the process of clarifying and communicating what makes you different and special and your unique value proposition), you can make a name for himself. It is unlike their peers and helps position as a leader in its field - as a specialist and an authority that knows how to work and fill a niche in the workplace better than anyone. Once you are clear about your personal brand, you can use it to project a brand image and value proposition of cohesion through its research work activities, and do it in a way that addresses the concerns Specific target your audience. By knowing and promoting your brand, to achieve instant focus, precision and which is positioned as the ideal for the specific kind of opportunity you are interested candidate. You gain an immediate competitive advantage.

Being able to clearly articulate who you are and what you have to offer. Although it may be uncomfortable for you, the simple truth is that finding a job is a sales and marketing campaign: a campaign for sales and marketing in which you are the product. Through the process of personal branding (recommended above), identify what difference and paint a compelling portrait of his unique value proposition. But do not stop just promote on your CV and then became silent when someone asks about you and your application. You will hear "what are you doing?" or "Tell me about yourself?" questions again and again, both during their job search, and throughout your career. Do not improvise! Preparation is the key to confidence and the key to a positive first and lasting impression, and memorable. Be ready with a 30-60 second step forward immediately and confidently to the listener who you are as a professional and what you offer.

Make your first impression your best impression. Take a look at your resume. Like it or not, your resume is your first contact with most employers, and their only chance to make a good first impression. Effective curricula are highly focused marketing pieces that are strategically written and designed to sell yourself as the best solution to the needs and problems of a potential employer. Your resume should be written to transmit and illustrate its unique value proposition, with brief "stories" that differentiate it from its competitors in the labor market. Does your resume to achieve these goals? It focuses effectively? Would you present exactly as you want in? If not, it is time to rewrite.

Network, network, network, network ... and then some more. The statistics are very clear, and although they vary slightly from one survey to another, are also very consistent. It is safe to say that at least 80% of all jobs are found through labor market "hidden", also known as "unprecedented" labor market. These are generally landed jobs through word of mouth and referrals as opposed to the hit-or-miss method answering ads, posting your resume to Internet databases, or other techniques to guide the remaining 20% of all jobs in the published market. It goes without saying that if the vast majority of jobs are in the hidden market, you must spend most of your job search time working to decipher. There is no more effective search technique that networking of employment. So even if you feel a little uncomfortable at first, just go out and do it. Make networking a part of your daily routine and plan to spend most of their research networking activities schedule (about three-quarters of their time is a good estimate). The more you network, the faster your current job search come to a successful conclusion and the quickest and any future successful job search will be.

Plan and execute a job search campaign on several fronts. Yes, networking is essential, but other job search techniques are also important. Seeking effective job campaign is a multiple which includes planned strategic use of methodical approaches to a variety of job search. Responding to ads alone is almost never enough. Nor is it working with headhunters, using sources of job search on the Internet, or specific employers and research orientation. But when all these networking approaches are combined, carefully evaluate and prioritize approaches based on the relative effectiveness then launch multiple integrated campaign, job search, always succeed. The best job search is one in which the job seeker is approaching like a job in itself.

Build a support team. When preparing undoubtedly facilitate the process, job searching can be an exhausting and very stressful experience. So I want to remind you that you should not go through this alone. You must build a support team of people around you that can help you stay motivated and on track while giving you honest feedback and help keep you accountable to the goals you set for yourself. Family and friends, current and former managers, peers and colleagues, financial advisors, and industry professionals for careers as guidance counselors, coaches and resume writers are all excellent people to add to your team. It riding a good mix of people to support you, from a diversity of backgrounds and professions, receive a variety of different perspectives, ideas and insights that can be very helpful. You should consider joining a club seeks support group or employment - a local, if available, or a line. If it has been provided with outplacement services for his former employer, by all means take advantage of office space and resources available. The point is that you should not, do not perform your search isolation. Surround yourself with a team to help and support. Above all, recognize when you need help and do not be afraid to ask for help and advice.

Always followed. After all your contacts and activities you can do more to influence its success in achieving its objective of working than anything else. A hand written thank you note or a more formal, written thank you letter after talking with a contact from a network, attend an informational interview, or after attending an actual job interview can make a positive and lasting impression that it gives a clear competitive advantage. A phone call tracking all you submit resume, if it comes to a cold CV sent in response to an advertisement, or on the basis of a recommendation from one of your networking contacts can make all the difference if your CV is actually read and considered or not. A follow-consistent method is the key and you have to make time in your schedule to do so. Follow positively influence decision makers, facilitate key processes moving along, their interest and professionalism will show, and I outrank the competition.

Adopt a "failure is not an option" attitude and to find a job a job itself. Celebrate your accomplishments and weekly newspapers, but we must recognize that the successful job search requires persistence and constant effort. The "antennas" that off, the more contacts you make, the more resumes you put in the hands of hiring authorities, and the face-to-face more that goes into, the faster you reach your work goals. It can be hard to stay motivated when you do not see results immediately, but remember that the job search is a process and it takes time. Reward yourself not only for results but for the effort.

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On a national scale certified resume writer, marketing expert career and personal brand strategist, Michelle Dumas is the founder and executive director of Distinctive Career Services LLC. Through the distinctive documents and their executives VIP Services delivered by Michelle has empowered thousands of executives, professionals and managers throughout the United States and around the world with all the tools and resources to do an effective job search quickly. Michelle is also the author of the popular ebook 101 CV examples before and after.

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