How to Success On The Job from Job Hunting to Keep Your Job and Get Most of Out of It
This article will prepare you for the difficult task of finding a job. Not only show you how to get a job, but will show you how to keep your job and make the most of it. You will be able to use the latest psychological measures to deal with other people so that they are always ahead. Follow the instructions in this book and go to see you up. How to prepare for the job search, you know what you want to be perfectly clear about what you want. Vague goals and do not apply "any job that pays." Make your very defined and specific goals and objectives. The first step to successful professional integration is to know exactly what you want. Ask yourself this question and write the answer on a sheet of paper. Expect the best but prepare for adversity always expect success, but prepare for the bad things in life. Adversity happens to the best of us.
Our challenge is to conquer adversity. Adversity is a great teacher; learn their lessons well. Remember, if you have not gone through bad weather, you are far from success. Be positive when an attitude of "win, win, win", you will start earning is created. When you start to think positively, everything around you is positive. What you can expect to take place will take place. If you want things to be good, they will be good. You are the master of your destiny. Destination not rule him. Make sure that you have confidence in yourself. If you are not confident, people do not trust you. People admire and respect the people you trust. You admire and respect you even more. For questions about yourself, other people will have doubts about you too. Action is the key Do what you have to do to get where you want. Commit yourself to action. Enter your plans, start today. The only way to succeed is if you do it now. You must act now with full force if you want to achieve your dreams. Plan today to represent their ideas. Look display their new work to come and see the work you want. Tell yourself how much you want the job and what you are willing to do for her. Your dreams become your reality if you let them. Know what your dreams are. Visualize success in your mind as well that it is almost real. Be persistent Be persistent to do better. Anything worth doing is worth making again and again and again. Do not let rejection stop you from achieving your goals. Keep trying and you will succeed. Nobody did the first time. Try again and again and did not stop until he gets what he wants. There is no turning back. It will cost Nobody gets a free ride. If you want something, you have to pay for it. It will be hard to get what you want, but it will be very useful when you are successful. The best things in life are difficult. Other people can help people will help you get where you want to go. You'll never do it alone easily. People who can teach and help you become a better person. Listen to others - learn from them. If someone helps you, do not forget to reward. Eat when you demand a lot, get a lot. Their expectations of others and yourself will become a reality if you expect to be real. What is expected to happen, it will happen. If you push hard, you start to see results. ask and you shall receive. Where to find a job looking through the help and ads in newspapers and professional and trade journals. Find out where government jobs are listed, and then try a state, local or federal employment. Check with your local employment center of the state - may be able to get an advantage. Most schools have placement centers, talk to them. The secretaries of civic organizations and the Chamber of Commerce may have some clues for you You may be able to get a job to go to a job fair. If you are a minority or need special assistance, you may be able to get help to find a job of special interest groups. Check with your local library for more information. Where you can get job drivers conventions and organizations related to your field may be able to get your work takes trade. Ask friends and family if they can provide clues in his field. Advertise a job in newspapers and professional journals. YOUR RESUME A resume is useful for any type of professional work you are trying to report. A good and effective life map will be personal interviews. Prepare your resume You must write a compilation of all the information about yourself on a sheet of paper. After all the information is organized, transfer it to a resume. Use only the training and experience that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Record any information that relates to your goal in its data sheet. When you mention the jobs that are not related to the job you are applying, be brief. Tell your employer a potential act and all that is in your favor and you may be interested. Organizing information so that it attracts the attention of your future employer. To determine what to put in the beginning of your resume, think about what your potential employer feels is important. You can organize your work experience or function. Your resume should be detailed enough to give an employer all the important facts about you, but it should not be too long or an employer can not read it. Entrepreneurs are busy people and they want the facts in a few words as possible. When writing your resume, do not mention anything negative about yourself. If you have ever had an experience of work and work demands of work experience, if you put "none" in this section of your resume? N If you have never had prior work experience, or rather, not even include work experience. Make your impressive CV Your CV should be in a good typewriter. Remember, when a potential employer looks at a resume of the quality of your resume with the quality of their work is related unconscious. That's all he sees in you. The most impressive CVs are not jobs of five colors on paper of 20 cents. If your resume is too flashy, your employer may not be too impressed. Do not miss carbon copies of your resume because they are cheap and they indicate to the employer that gave the original to another person. Research has shown that the programs printed on yellow paper with brown ink are the most effective. If you do not want to print their resume, not photocopied on yellow paper luxury of giving a touch of quality. Interview What to bring to the job interview Organize and prepare all necessary documents with you in your job interview. The main document is your resume. If you do not have a resume, take place their school records, social security cards, worksheets, licenses, military records, dates of employment and the names of their employers. His references is also important to create a list of references. Be prepared to give an employer the names and addresses of three people who are familiar with you and / or your work. You should ask your references to use their names in advance. If appropriate, ask a professional friend or former employer to write a letter of reference, and attach your CV. If your work is the type of work that can display, sampling of what you did in the past. Know the company and the employer know all you can about the company you are interviewing him. Go to the library or your Chamber of Commerce to find out all you can about it. Try to find out exactly what they do and what they have in store for you when it comes to employment. Find out who will work for. The person will work for will be very influential in his life. Make sure you really want to work for this person. If your future boss does not tell you himself in the interview, do not ask. Know how much you earn Knowing how to win with their talents and skills. Make your estimate a little higher so the company benefits when offers below. Do not go too high or you will not get the job. Find out what the salary range is for the job and be prepared to negotiate the salary. Know yourself is important that you know yourself. Evaluate what you can offer the company, if it comes to education, training or special skills. I always tell them what you can do, not what they can not do. Know exactly what kind of job you are applying for and what kind of job you want. Know your interviewer Prepare for questions from the interviewer to ask questions. You must repeat the answers to frequently asked questions. Have someone ask these questions to practice your answers: Why do you work here? How long you want to stay with this company? Why did you leave your last job? Tell me about you. Why are not you working now? How long do you stay in this job without a promotion? Why should we hire you? What is your greatest strength / weakness? What did you like / dislike about your last job? How much do they earn? How much would you win? Why do you think you can do this job without experience? Your time Make sure you are at least 10 minutes before the appointment. Do not arrive too early or too late. Give yourself plenty of time to spend with the interviewer - Do not do 15 minutes another appointment after the first date. His time with the interviewer must be uninterrupted. His appearance and dress not use too casual or too formal clothes for the interview. Dress conservatively without flashy colors. I am well groomed and shaved for your interview. Women should ensure that you look very neat. Hair should not be on the face or to be collected. Makeup should be subtle. The way you look is very important for your partner. If your appearance is bad for the interview, which is the impression the employer will have of your job performance. Neat appearance is always a must. What to do in the interview shaking hands with an employer, shake firm and secure grip. Do not tighten the passive hand. Be serious but friendly and welcoming. Smile throughout the interview. Make sure that your smile does not seem wrong. Good eye contact is very important. If you can not look me in the eye, look at the bridge of the nose. It seems that if you are looking in his eyes. Sit down, but the interviewer. This will make it seem as if you are really interested in what the interviewer has to say. Do not smoke or have poor posture during the interview. If you are under stress, trying to act calm. What to say in the interview What employer to take charge of the interview. The short answer to questions, but complete. Do not ramble on about unimportant things and waste time. Dogmatic statements should be avoided. Inform the employer exactly what you expect from your work and himself. It will also tell you exactly what to expect from you. Emphasize your skills in a positive tone, assertive. If the employer tells you what kind of person you want, use this information to tell the employer about your qualifications. It is very important to say what you want to hear. When you tell people what they want to hear, beginning to agree with you. Do not do it with lies and exaggerations. Use your resume or records to support the claims you make of yourself. If you do not understand a question the interviewer asks, repeating back to him to see if you understand. Try to see what the interviewer wants to know about you. If you know what you know, make your responses as needs. What not to say and do in the interview Speak previous jobs if they are in their favor. Do not speak ill or criticize former employers or colleagues. If you speak ill of anyone, your future employer can you expect to problems. Do not say anything negative about yourself. Try not to discuss anything personal, financial or household unless specifically invited. If the interviewer asks a rapid pace with confusing questions, he did this to put you under stress. Maintain control and respond calmly. Do not be too impatient when an employer asks you a question. Wait for it to finish and then answer the question fully and in a relaxed manner. You do not want an employer thinks you are desperate for work. Do not take someone with you to the interview - which makes you look insecure. At the end of the interview If the employer does not offer him the job at the end of the interview, ask when you hear it or when you can call to find out their decision. If you are invited back, note the time and place that is witnessed. After the interview because the employer to spend time with you. Ask him if he knows of any other company that may need someone with your qualifications. A good practice is also to thank the employer by mail with a "thank you" letter. Many candidates do not do that, so this may give you an edge in the job. If you are employed in the interview Make sure you understand what their roles will be. A good understanding of what your employer expects of you and what you expect from your job will be to prevent future conflicts. Make sure you are very clear on both. You should also know what the advancement opportunities are open for you. Tell the employer what salary you want, but bring money only when the employer provides your wages. If at the end of the interview, he offered the job, tell the interviewer that you really want the job. Follow up with a thank you letter to the interviewer. Talk again note the interviewer that you really want the job. If you forgot to mention something in the interview that you thought was important, please mention in the letter. If the company has not contacted you in a week or two calls. If someone is hired for the job ask the interviewer if you have other openings in your company or if they can give you a hint. YOU MUST HAVE AWARENESS take the first step Do not wait for someone to tell you what to do. Executive admire a person who takes the initiative. Develop their individual talents. Learn new skills and knowledge. Show them that you are a real "go getter." Learn to make quick decisions to make faster, better decisions. Being undecided will hurt. Anyone can make good decisions quickly - it is just a matter of training. Intuitive instincts must be developed. Consult more responsible of the most difficult tasks. Actively seeking work harder with additional responsibility. Assume full responsibility they can handle. Try to take on additional responsibilities in addition to their assigned work, the greater your responsibility, the more you are an asset for management. Increase your most precious interests more you know, you are the company you work for. Go to night school or just read books that give you that added education. More emphasis on the things that will help your business. Specializing in as many things as you can will help you move in a company. Take the risk Nothing comes easy. In a company, it will be difficult, but rewarding. If you move, you must take risks. Are small risks in life that give us the most progress. If the neck does not stick, their chances of promotion are slim. Knowing your business Find out everything you can about the company you work for. Understand and know your business. Study and learn the jobs of their colleagues. Understand what they do and why they do it. Always try to increase their knowledge. Know that your boss know what qualities your boss and senior management are sought among employees. Try to develop these qualities. Being good at your job management always admire people who are effective in their work. Maintaining the highest possible level of production and quality every day. I'm so good at his job that can be done without close supervision. Do not waste time at work, regardless of what other employees do. Know your goal, you have to know exactly what the position you want. Be the person you want if you want this position. Make sure that you can do all that is necessary. Engage your company You must have a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to his business. Show the company that cares about their well-being. Disagree with company policies. Even if you do not agree with them, to obey them. The best thing to do is agree with the political and diplomatic tell management how you feel about them. Being reliable is very important to be reliable. A company wants to fell safe with their contribution to society. Do not be late or absent from work without good reason. Make sure that your achievements are seen There's nothing wrong with letting others know what you have done, as long as you do not brag. If there is an opportunity for recognition, take it. Make sure others know what you did. A good idea is to write down your achievements in a dairy. When asked to raise, check your dairy. Keep all recommendations and prices in a file. Be a problem solver Look for problems in your business. Develop practical and intelligent solutions to these problems. Bring the problem to the attention of his boss after the resolution and all the details of the solution. Work activities open If overtime is necessary, never give or not avoiding it. Volunteer for committees and working hard for them to achieve their goals. Voice your opinion When you speak, make sure your opinion is well thought out. Do not complain about your boss. Talking about things with him. Tell him he has to say and then listen. Discuss with your head high, clear and precise voice. No express a vague opinion - say in precise terms exactly what bothers. When asking for a raise you feel you're ready for a raise and you have fulfilled all the conditions I have just mentioned, ask for one. HOW TO GET AHEAD policies Knowledge Society Understanding your company's policy on salaries and raises. You may need in the company of a certain period of time to get a raise. Know how long and act at the right time. If you receive the maximum salary for your position, you can apply for promotion or reclassification. Right after studying the book of the company policy as possible. Knowing the decider You have to convince the person who has the power to lift one you deserve. If this person is above his head, preparing to convince your boss and superiors that an increase you deserve. Do you deserve a raise? You should know if you deserve a raise. Only after you are sure you deserve one be sure that others do. Rate yourself. Try looking through your head and eyes of your colleagues. Do you think that increasing it deserves? How to justify increased talk about your accomplishments that have contributed to society. Show them how much you saved the company through their actions. Know what your skills are worth to another company in the same industry. Present your company with this information. Present them in a way not very aggressive. tell the company what you will be able to do for them in the future. Tell them how you will benefit the company with its further increase. tell them how their value has increased since you've been with the company. Nothing to mention about your personal needs for cash. Being able to handle rejection If you are denied a raise, be able to cope. Facing rejection before asking your boss for a raise so you know how to handle it. Remember, expect the best prepare for the worst. You know what you want before you talk to your boss know exactly how much money you expect, both in terms of dollars and percentage. If you know your boss is going to negotiate with you, ask what you really want. This way, you get what you want or more. When should you ask for a raise? Make an appointment with your boss. Do not ask for a raise, as it passes down the hall. Do not ask to see his boss busy Monday or Friday. Be prepared for criticism You may be criticized for not perform "flush" now. Do not let it bother you criticism, let me help you. You can learn from this criticism by asking for feedback from your boss. Ask your boss how you can improve yourself. Ask him for suggestions. Always be ready to negotiate with your boss. It may just give you a bonus rather than an increase. Take it and ask for another increase. Handling your boss comments Get an immediate response from his boss if he has the power to give the raise. If he can not give the answer to you now, ask when you can. If he says he can not give you a raise ask why. Ask what you need before you got a raise, your suggestions, what to improve, etc. Do what you said to do a raise, and when their needs have been met, he asked again. If you plan to stop smoking if you do not get a raise, they do not threaten your boss. Want good reference from your boss later, as long as you leave. Mastering the art of compromise in many cases, the only thing to be able to get to be persistent is a compromise. The commitments are good. You take a step [more you were first. If for any reason, such as self-respect, it can not compromise, then no. Give everything you have to offer. If you do this, you can not get any type of settlement in your favor. Here are the steps that will show you how to engage so that you get the best deal: tell the person exactly what you want to tell the person exactly what you want in terms you can understand, "I want more ..." Persist You must pass the excuses and alibis of the person of another. You must be persistent until you fall you hit the bottom line of the other person. You may find that the other person is trying to manipulate you. Be persistent until that person has left all her manipulation. If you do not know if you do not know what you want, then make a decision. You should think over the situation before making a commitment. If you need more time, tell the other person needs more time. Make sure you can live with the commitment before doing so. FACING CRITICISM USELESS some criticism you get is tasteless. We need to know how to deal with criticism such as: "You look so great today" or "You left it in my way, you idiot." Make sure that this type of unnecessary criticism, do the following. In agreement with the facts after the fact that the other person has. For example, in response to "You look terrible today," he said, "I'm not feeling very well lately"; in response to "idiot left this on my way," I say, "Yes, I will leave you on your way." Answer only what is actually said, so it was implied. Responding to stay calm and composed throughout preservation. Stay calm. The only way a person will make you feel degraded is whether itself deteriorates. You do not want to waste your time with this type of person, do not defend or attack. If you have made a mistake If you make a mistake, accept this fact. Do not accept the quilt for error. If you were in error apologize. If you apologize, do not make a big deal of it. Do not tell them how terribly sorry, etc. Just take a simple "sorry." How to deal with criticism IMPORTANT Arrival major criticism, want to know how to make the most of it. Helpful is one of the best ways to make you a better person. Follow these steps to get the most helpful. Ask for feedback to know exactly what others oppose you. If someone says "You're wrong," this is not enough good. Find out exactly why this person thinks this way. Be very persisent - know what the other person feels as he does. Vague criticism is useless to you. Guess A Reason If a person refuses to give reasons to criticize you, keep guessing his faults until you get the right one. This may be the only way to know what the other person hates. Do not be defensive If you act on the defensive, you can not benefit from helpful. Do not be sarcastic or intimidate another person. Want to learn to become a better person of criticism. Ask the person how you can change your misconduct; be open to reasonable suggestions. HOW TO GET TO YOUR COLLEAGUES AND YOU UP good relationships with colleagues and superiors, he will not only help you, but will make the work more enjoyable. Every employee wants to be loved by other employees. If you treat people like they want to be treated, they will like. Some of us do not know if what we are doing is unacceptable for others. I'll give you a list of things that attract others to you and the things that they find unacceptable. As you move into the business, you will have all the support you can get. People praise Everyone likes to be praised. People seek the approval of themselves in others. But you should greet people when they deserve it. If you hire people when they do not deserve it, or if you also rent, lose their credibility. Do not overdo your praise. This warm and sincere that you can rent. Do not put people at the bottom left, a person can be very dangerous for you and the relationship mind of the other person. People do not want to feel degraded by being called stupid, crazy, odd, etc. Do not take just anyone, even if they are not present. If you do, the word will get in touch with them and they will look bad. Always speak positively about people. Even if you do not like them, still speak highly enough of them - you'll be amazed at what it does. If you have something bad to say, say nothing at all. Do not worry about your interests only is there nothing wrong with the care and look for yourself. Just do not make it visible to others. You will be offended by others if you look selfish. Make others know to look out for them as yourself. Share credit when others have helped to achieve something, to share the credit with them.
Our challenge is to conquer adversity. Adversity is a great teacher; learn their lessons well. Remember, if you have not gone through bad weather, you are far from success. Be positive when an attitude of "win, win, win", you will start earning is created. When you start to think positively, everything around you is positive. What you can expect to take place will take place. If you want things to be good, they will be good. You are the master of your destiny. Destination not rule him. Make sure that you have confidence in yourself. If you are not confident, people do not trust you. People admire and respect the people you trust. You admire and respect you even more. For questions about yourself, other people will have doubts about you too. Action is the key Do what you have to do to get where you want. Commit yourself to action. Enter your plans, start today. The only way to succeed is if you do it now. You must act now with full force if you want to achieve your dreams. Plan today to represent their ideas. Look display their new work to come and see the work you want. Tell yourself how much you want the job and what you are willing to do for her. Your dreams become your reality if you let them. Know what your dreams are. Visualize success in your mind as well that it is almost real. Be persistent Be persistent to do better. Anything worth doing is worth making again and again and again. Do not let rejection stop you from achieving your goals. Keep trying and you will succeed. Nobody did the first time. Try again and again and did not stop until he gets what he wants. There is no turning back. It will cost Nobody gets a free ride. If you want something, you have to pay for it. It will be hard to get what you want, but it will be very useful when you are successful. The best things in life are difficult. Other people can help people will help you get where you want to go. You'll never do it alone easily. People who can teach and help you become a better person. Listen to others - learn from them. If someone helps you, do not forget to reward. Eat when you demand a lot, get a lot. Their expectations of others and yourself will become a reality if you expect to be real. What is expected to happen, it will happen. If you push hard, you start to see results. ask and you shall receive. Where to find a job looking through the help and ads in newspapers and professional and trade journals. Find out where government jobs are listed, and then try a state, local or federal employment. Check with your local employment center of the state - may be able to get an advantage. Most schools have placement centers, talk to them. The secretaries of civic organizations and the Chamber of Commerce may have some clues for you You may be able to get a job to go to a job fair. If you are a minority or need special assistance, you may be able to get help to find a job of special interest groups. Check with your local library for more information. Where you can get job drivers conventions and organizations related to your field may be able to get your work takes trade. Ask friends and family if they can provide clues in his field. Advertise a job in newspapers and professional journals. YOUR RESUME A resume is useful for any type of professional work you are trying to report. A good and effective life map will be personal interviews. Prepare your resume You must write a compilation of all the information about yourself on a sheet of paper. After all the information is organized, transfer it to a resume. Use only the training and experience that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Record any information that relates to your goal in its data sheet. When you mention the jobs that are not related to the job you are applying, be brief. Tell your employer a potential act and all that is in your favor and you may be interested. Organizing information so that it attracts the attention of your future employer. To determine what to put in the beginning of your resume, think about what your potential employer feels is important. You can organize your work experience or function. Your resume should be detailed enough to give an employer all the important facts about you, but it should not be too long or an employer can not read it. Entrepreneurs are busy people and they want the facts in a few words as possible. When writing your resume, do not mention anything negative about yourself. If you have ever had an experience of work and work demands of work experience, if you put "none" in this section of your resume? N If you have never had prior work experience, or rather, not even include work experience. Make your impressive CV Your CV should be in a good typewriter. Remember, when a potential employer looks at a resume of the quality of your resume with the quality of their work is related unconscious. That's all he sees in you. The most impressive CVs are not jobs of five colors on paper of 20 cents. If your resume is too flashy, your employer may not be too impressed. Do not miss carbon copies of your resume because they are cheap and they indicate to the employer that gave the original to another person. Research has shown that the programs printed on yellow paper with brown ink are the most effective. If you do not want to print their resume, not photocopied on yellow paper luxury of giving a touch of quality. Interview What to bring to the job interview Organize and prepare all necessary documents with you in your job interview. The main document is your resume. If you do not have a resume, take place their school records, social security cards, worksheets, licenses, military records, dates of employment and the names of their employers. His references is also important to create a list of references. Be prepared to give an employer the names and addresses of three people who are familiar with you and / or your work. You should ask your references to use their names in advance. If appropriate, ask a professional friend or former employer to write a letter of reference, and attach your CV. If your work is the type of work that can display, sampling of what you did in the past. Know the company and the employer know all you can about the company you are interviewing him. Go to the library or your Chamber of Commerce to find out all you can about it. Try to find out exactly what they do and what they have in store for you when it comes to employment. Find out who will work for. The person will work for will be very influential in his life. Make sure you really want to work for this person. If your future boss does not tell you himself in the interview, do not ask. Know how much you earn Knowing how to win with their talents and skills. Make your estimate a little higher so the company benefits when offers below. Do not go too high or you will not get the job. Find out what the salary range is for the job and be prepared to negotiate the salary. Know yourself is important that you know yourself. Evaluate what you can offer the company, if it comes to education, training or special skills. I always tell them what you can do, not what they can not do. Know exactly what kind of job you are applying for and what kind of job you want. Know your interviewer Prepare for questions from the interviewer to ask questions. You must repeat the answers to frequently asked questions. Have someone ask these questions to practice your answers: Why do you work here? How long you want to stay with this company? Why did you leave your last job? Tell me about you. Why are not you working now? How long do you stay in this job without a promotion? Why should we hire you? What is your greatest strength / weakness? What did you like / dislike about your last job? How much do they earn? How much would you win? Why do you think you can do this job without experience? Your time Make sure you are at least 10 minutes before the appointment. Do not arrive too early or too late. Give yourself plenty of time to spend with the interviewer - Do not do 15 minutes another appointment after the first date. His time with the interviewer must be uninterrupted. His appearance and dress not use too casual or too formal clothes for the interview. Dress conservatively without flashy colors. I am well groomed and shaved for your interview. Women should ensure that you look very neat. Hair should not be on the face or to be collected. Makeup should be subtle. The way you look is very important for your partner. If your appearance is bad for the interview, which is the impression the employer will have of your job performance. Neat appearance is always a must. What to do in the interview shaking hands with an employer, shake firm and secure grip. Do not tighten the passive hand. Be serious but friendly and welcoming. Smile throughout the interview. Make sure that your smile does not seem wrong. Good eye contact is very important. If you can not look me in the eye, look at the bridge of the nose. It seems that if you are looking in his eyes. Sit down, but the interviewer. This will make it seem as if you are really interested in what the interviewer has to say. Do not smoke or have poor posture during the interview. If you are under stress, trying to act calm. What to say in the interview What employer to take charge of the interview. The short answer to questions, but complete. Do not ramble on about unimportant things and waste time. Dogmatic statements should be avoided. Inform the employer exactly what you expect from your work and himself. It will also tell you exactly what to expect from you. Emphasize your skills in a positive tone, assertive. If the employer tells you what kind of person you want, use this information to tell the employer about your qualifications. It is very important to say what you want to hear. When you tell people what they want to hear, beginning to agree with you. Do not do it with lies and exaggerations. Use your resume or records to support the claims you make of yourself. If you do not understand a question the interviewer asks, repeating back to him to see if you understand. Try to see what the interviewer wants to know about you. If you know what you know, make your responses as needs. What not to say and do in the interview Speak previous jobs if they are in their favor. Do not speak ill or criticize former employers or colleagues. If you speak ill of anyone, your future employer can you expect to problems. Do not say anything negative about yourself. Try not to discuss anything personal, financial or household unless specifically invited. If the interviewer asks a rapid pace with confusing questions, he did this to put you under stress. Maintain control and respond calmly. Do not be too impatient when an employer asks you a question. Wait for it to finish and then answer the question fully and in a relaxed manner. You do not want an employer thinks you are desperate for work. Do not take someone with you to the interview - which makes you look insecure. At the end of the interview If the employer does not offer him the job at the end of the interview, ask when you hear it or when you can call to find out their decision. If you are invited back, note the time and place that is witnessed. After the interview because the employer to spend time with you. Ask him if he knows of any other company that may need someone with your qualifications. A good practice is also to thank the employer by mail with a "thank you" letter. Many candidates do not do that, so this may give you an edge in the job. If you are employed in the interview Make sure you understand what their roles will be. A good understanding of what your employer expects of you and what you expect from your job will be to prevent future conflicts. Make sure you are very clear on both. You should also know what the advancement opportunities are open for you. Tell the employer what salary you want, but bring money only when the employer provides your wages. If at the end of the interview, he offered the job, tell the interviewer that you really want the job. Follow up with a thank you letter to the interviewer. Talk again note the interviewer that you really want the job. If you forgot to mention something in the interview that you thought was important, please mention in the letter. If the company has not contacted you in a week or two calls. If someone is hired for the job ask the interviewer if you have other openings in your company or if they can give you a hint. YOU MUST HAVE AWARENESS take the first step Do not wait for someone to tell you what to do. Executive admire a person who takes the initiative. Develop their individual talents. Learn new skills and knowledge. Show them that you are a real "go getter." Learn to make quick decisions to make faster, better decisions. Being undecided will hurt. Anyone can make good decisions quickly - it is just a matter of training. Intuitive instincts must be developed. Consult more responsible of the most difficult tasks. Actively seeking work harder with additional responsibility. Assume full responsibility they can handle. Try to take on additional responsibilities in addition to their assigned work, the greater your responsibility, the more you are an asset for management. Increase your most precious interests more you know, you are the company you work for. Go to night school or just read books that give you that added education. More emphasis on the things that will help your business. Specializing in as many things as you can will help you move in a company. Take the risk Nothing comes easy. In a company, it will be difficult, but rewarding. If you move, you must take risks. Are small risks in life that give us the most progress. If the neck does not stick, their chances of promotion are slim. Knowing your business Find out everything you can about the company you work for. Understand and know your business. Study and learn the jobs of their colleagues. Understand what they do and why they do it. Always try to increase their knowledge. Know that your boss know what qualities your boss and senior management are sought among employees. Try to develop these qualities. Being good at your job management always admire people who are effective in their work. Maintaining the highest possible level of production and quality every day. I'm so good at his job that can be done without close supervision. Do not waste time at work, regardless of what other employees do. Know your goal, you have to know exactly what the position you want. Be the person you want if you want this position. Make sure that you can do all that is necessary. Engage your company You must have a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to his business. Show the company that cares about their well-being. Disagree with company policies. Even if you do not agree with them, to obey them. The best thing to do is agree with the political and diplomatic tell management how you feel about them. Being reliable is very important to be reliable. A company wants to fell safe with their contribution to society. Do not be late or absent from work without good reason. Make sure that your achievements are seen There's nothing wrong with letting others know what you have done, as long as you do not brag. If there is an opportunity for recognition, take it. Make sure others know what you did. A good idea is to write down your achievements in a dairy. When asked to raise, check your dairy. Keep all recommendations and prices in a file. Be a problem solver Look for problems in your business. Develop practical and intelligent solutions to these problems. Bring the problem to the attention of his boss after the resolution and all the details of the solution. Work activities open If overtime is necessary, never give or not avoiding it. Volunteer for committees and working hard for them to achieve their goals. Voice your opinion When you speak, make sure your opinion is well thought out. Do not complain about your boss. Talking about things with him. Tell him he has to say and then listen. Discuss with your head high, clear and precise voice. No express a vague opinion - say in precise terms exactly what bothers. When asking for a raise you feel you're ready for a raise and you have fulfilled all the conditions I have just mentioned, ask for one. HOW TO GET AHEAD policies Knowledge Society Understanding your company's policy on salaries and raises. You may need in the company of a certain period of time to get a raise. Know how long and act at the right time. If you receive the maximum salary for your position, you can apply for promotion or reclassification. Right after studying the book of the company policy as possible. Knowing the decider You have to convince the person who has the power to lift one you deserve. If this person is above his head, preparing to convince your boss and superiors that an increase you deserve. Do you deserve a raise? You should know if you deserve a raise. Only after you are sure you deserve one be sure that others do. Rate yourself. Try looking through your head and eyes of your colleagues. Do you think that increasing it deserves? How to justify increased talk about your accomplishments that have contributed to society. Show them how much you saved the company through their actions. Know what your skills are worth to another company in the same industry. Present your company with this information. Present them in a way not very aggressive. tell the company what you will be able to do for them in the future. Tell them how you will benefit the company with its further increase. tell them how their value has increased since you've been with the company. Nothing to mention about your personal needs for cash. Being able to handle rejection If you are denied a raise, be able to cope. Facing rejection before asking your boss for a raise so you know how to handle it. Remember, expect the best prepare for the worst. You know what you want before you talk to your boss know exactly how much money you expect, both in terms of dollars and percentage. If you know your boss is going to negotiate with you, ask what you really want. This way, you get what you want or more. When should you ask for a raise? Make an appointment with your boss. Do not ask for a raise, as it passes down the hall. Do not ask to see his boss busy Monday or Friday. Be prepared for criticism You may be criticized for not perform "flush" now. Do not let it bother you criticism, let me help you. You can learn from this criticism by asking for feedback from your boss. Ask your boss how you can improve yourself. Ask him for suggestions. Always be ready to negotiate with your boss. It may just give you a bonus rather than an increase. Take it and ask for another increase. Handling your boss comments Get an immediate response from his boss if he has the power to give the raise. If he can not give the answer to you now, ask when you can. If he says he can not give you a raise ask why. Ask what you need before you got a raise, your suggestions, what to improve, etc. Do what you said to do a raise, and when their needs have been met, he asked again. If you plan to stop smoking if you do not get a raise, they do not threaten your boss. Want good reference from your boss later, as long as you leave. Mastering the art of compromise in many cases, the only thing to be able to get to be persistent is a compromise. The commitments are good. You take a step [more you were first. If for any reason, such as self-respect, it can not compromise, then no. Give everything you have to offer. If you do this, you can not get any type of settlement in your favor. Here are the steps that will show you how to engage so that you get the best deal: tell the person exactly what you want to tell the person exactly what you want in terms you can understand, "I want more ..." Persist You must pass the excuses and alibis of the person of another. You must be persistent until you fall you hit the bottom line of the other person. You may find that the other person is trying to manipulate you. Be persistent until that person has left all her manipulation. If you do not know if you do not know what you want, then make a decision. You should think over the situation before making a commitment. If you need more time, tell the other person needs more time. Make sure you can live with the commitment before doing so. FACING CRITICISM USELESS some criticism you get is tasteless. We need to know how to deal with criticism such as: "You look so great today" or "You left it in my way, you idiot." Make sure that this type of unnecessary criticism, do the following. In agreement with the facts after the fact that the other person has. For example, in response to "You look terrible today," he said, "I'm not feeling very well lately"; in response to "idiot left this on my way," I say, "Yes, I will leave you on your way." Answer only what is actually said, so it was implied. Responding to stay calm and composed throughout preservation. Stay calm. The only way a person will make you feel degraded is whether itself deteriorates. You do not want to waste your time with this type of person, do not defend or attack. If you have made a mistake If you make a mistake, accept this fact. Do not accept the quilt for error. If you were in error apologize. If you apologize, do not make a big deal of it. Do not tell them how terribly sorry, etc. Just take a simple "sorry." How to deal with criticism IMPORTANT Arrival major criticism, want to know how to make the most of it. Helpful is one of the best ways to make you a better person. Follow these steps to get the most helpful. Ask for feedback to know exactly what others oppose you. If someone says "You're wrong," this is not enough good. Find out exactly why this person thinks this way. Be very persisent - know what the other person feels as he does. Vague criticism is useless to you. Guess A Reason If a person refuses to give reasons to criticize you, keep guessing his faults until you get the right one. This may be the only way to know what the other person hates. Do not be defensive If you act on the defensive, you can not benefit from helpful. Do not be sarcastic or intimidate another person. Want to learn to become a better person of criticism. Ask the person how you can change your misconduct; be open to reasonable suggestions. HOW TO GET TO YOUR COLLEAGUES AND YOU UP good relationships with colleagues and superiors, he will not only help you, but will make the work more enjoyable. Every employee wants to be loved by other employees. If you treat people like they want to be treated, they will like. Some of us do not know if what we are doing is unacceptable for others. I'll give you a list of things that attract others to you and the things that they find unacceptable. As you move into the business, you will have all the support you can get. People praise Everyone likes to be praised. People seek the approval of themselves in others. But you should greet people when they deserve it. If you hire people when they do not deserve it, or if you also rent, lose their credibility. Do not overdo your praise. This warm and sincere that you can rent. Do not put people at the bottom left, a person can be very dangerous for you and the relationship mind of the other person. People do not want to feel degraded by being called stupid, crazy, odd, etc. Do not take just anyone, even if they are not present. If you do, the word will get in touch with them and they will look bad. Always speak positively about people. Even if you do not like them, still speak highly enough of them - you'll be amazed at what it does. If you have something bad to say, say nothing at all. Do not worry about your interests only is there nothing wrong with the care and look for yourself. Just do not make it visible to others. You will be offended by others if you look selfish. Make others know to look out for them as yourself. Share credit when others have helped to achieve something, to share the credit with them.