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How to Get a Job Fast - 3 Powerful Tips For Getting a Job Fast in Any Economy/job monkey

How to Get a Job Fast
How to Get a Job Fast 
- 3 Powerful Tips For Getting
 a Job Fast in Any Economy
As I write this, the unemployment rate "official" in the United States, where I live, is 9.7%. In some states, here, the "official" unemployment rate is as high as 14.1%. Some pin the "real". Numbers more than doubled Whatever the real figures are, obviously, it is one of the most, if you're one of them, right?

Here are three powerful tips for quick work, regardless of what the "economy" is or is not doing at a given moment in time:

Powerful Tip # 1 - Calculate your head into your rectum

If you think the economy is "bad", it is. If you think that there are no jobs, no. If you think you can not get a job, you will not be ... it's that simple!

Here's the deal ...

* * There are always jobs available, regardless of what the "economy" is or is not doing at a given moment in time, for those who are willing to work and, more importantly, provide value to your employer well above that for those who are paid.

Therefore, if you are willing to work * and provide value to your employer * * much higher than that for which you will be paid, it * is * a job there, right now, at this moment, sitting there with your name waiting for you to appear ...

* Know * go there and find it!
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Powerful Tip # 2 - Try to get a job as his full-time job

The other day someone complains to me about how they could not find jobs. I asked how many jobs in the last week have asked ...

Your answer?


it will ...

Believe it or not ...


It is no wonder that is unemployed. He probably worked an hour a week and get paid for forty years, when his employer finally embellished.

My advice?

Do not be fooled!

Powerful Tip # 3 - Do not ask what your potential employer can do for you, ask what you can do for your potential employer

Now this may come as a shock to you, but even if there may be an occasional exception here, your potential employer does not really give a rat's ass about you and / or your family. Sad but true.

They care a lot about what you can do for them *!

Therefore, instead of asking what the salary and benefits are, it would be much better served by the discovery * exactly * what they need and / or want to sell them on how you * can * * more to fill your need and / or she wants.

Well, there you have them. Three powerful tips for quick work in any economy. Get your head on his fastball, try to get a job as his full-time job, know what your potential employer needs and / or desires and sell * how * you * can just fill this need and / or want, and you will not be among the unemployed for long!

Sick and tired of being the "hired person?" Want to be the last "tenant" instead? Then go to my website at [] at that time, take your copy of "Make the man who can" by Wallace D. Wattles [] and start becoming the man or woman who can TODAY!

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