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10 Tips For Finding a Job When You Are Over 40/jobs cat jobs

top 10 tips

10 Tips For Finding a Job When You Are Over 40Jobs

Here are 10 tips to find a job if you are over 40. I encourage you to read them all, because none of them could make the difference for you. Qualified as a leadership coach I am well aware that innovative ideas can come from what you read, or they can just come as a flash of inspiration caused by something in your unconscious mind as a result of reading. In other words, this is a process that encourages creative thinking and forces you to consider new ideas. I hope you find it useful.

Here are the top 10 tips :

1. Specialize :

There has been a trend in recent years for employers are increasingly looking for specialized skills in their hiring process. Think about what your strengths are and how specialists can help an organization by applying. Then look for opportunities that require such specialized skills. Although there are fewer jobs in their specialty, your chances are of getting a lot better. For example, if your skills are on sale, think about what industries or geographic areas could have integrated the experience. What other companies need to sell to these customers?

2. Expand Search : 

You may need to look outside their immediate geographic area or to find employment at the time sector. To broaden your search, you risk the chance of finding something that would otherwise be lost. This can give you a hard decision to make, but at least it will be his decision, which is still better than no decision at all.

3. Registration with agencies : 

This may seem too obvious to mention, but it is important to register with a reasonable number of appropriate recruitment agents. The ability to use the Internet to do what makes life much simpler. However, it does eliminate the human element and runs the risk of becoming a statistic simply if you do not stand on a face to face or at least a telephone conversation. In addition, there are agencies that specialize either directly or indirectly, more mature and experienced workers. The search for this type of agent in your area and make friends with them!

4. Allocate a specific amount of time to job search : 

With plenty of time on their hands, it is easy to use without emergency. Treat your job search like your work. Start at one point, the formation of a list of activities to do during the day, set your own coffee and lunch and decide how many hours a day you want to spend on it-do. It is important to continue structured, but it is also important because it should allow you to turn off when you've reached your goals or tasks for the day. I can not stress how important it is to disconnect and do not forget to celebrate your successes or progress every day.

5. Exercise :

Use your free time to keep fit. We have all heard the adage that a fit body = mind in shape. Through exercise and get oxygen flowing around your body, it will be much more productive in the day. You will feel as well and introduce better when you are with people.

6. Do something for the community : 

Most people who work are so busy with work that they never have time to participate in local activities. Why not use your temporary spare time to support a local charity or help organize local events in the community. You'll be surprised who else will find these "unusual" places. CEOs know that help local Scouts or Guides Associations

7. Consider part-time work : 

There are many opportunities for part-time work, you may be able to use to bring some short-term income. Many of them may be exposed to new people, new industries, with the potential to become a job or business from the permanent possibility. Registration is at least one agency specializing in part-time work. I know people who do any of the following: a part-time human resources, finance, sales, support, training, restaurant and bar work, community work, charity work.

8. Take a sales job :

For many people who are never sold, this may seem a fate worse than death. But rest assured that many sales people are among the highest paid employees in most organizations. If you've never sold before, you will have the knowledge and experience that will be valuable to another company. They are often willing to provide training and sales skills are also willing to pay handsomely for their contribution (albeit partially based Committee). If you are nervous about this kind of movement, try to negotiate a higher base salary and other benefits, such as travel, car, phone, and portability of pensions.

9. Networking Sites :

Most people now have some experience of social networks through Facebook, Linked-In and many more. They provide a cost effective way to build a community of people connected. Although I resisted for a long time, I've selected specifically LinkedIn because it seemed to be more business oriented than Facebook. Now I have hundreds of people who can communicate with on a regular basis and I updated automatically in their movements.

10. Restructuring : 

Some people are horrified by the idea of ​​conversion after the age of 40. But this may not be as ridiculous as it sounds. Many people have become mature web designers or other specialty developed as a result of restructuring and many have gone on to become a big hit as a result. Beauty or recycling in the modern world is that it has become much cheaper and easier than ever, especially with the advent of the Internet. With the pace of change and the emergence of new technologies, it is possible to become an expert on almost everything in a matter of months. Imagine what is available on the web about a subject you can imagine a lot of information for free. Did you know that if you were to read the first 20 articles or 5 books on almost every new topic that will probably be in the top 1% in terms of his knowledge of the experience? Why not pick a theme and just go for it!

You can read more tips and advice on finding jobs for more than 40 years visiting Link to

Joe Nathan has been training in management and leadership skills for 10 years. As a result of recent times of recession now he spends much of his free time to help people over 40 years to return to work. You can read more tips and advice about employment for more than 40 years in

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